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Update your resumes and get in line, cannabis fans, because there’s a new job opportunity that’s blowing your current employer out of the water.
According to the Sun Online, cannabis website recently announced a new job listing for a daily marijuana consumer and reviewer. That’s right, the company wants to pay you to get stoned. And in addition to a bountiful stipend of free ganja, the weed website wants to shell out $36,000 a year to the right candidate.
“Everyone is going crazy about smoking weed,” Dwight Blake, 58, a New York resident who is leading the job search for AmericanMarijuana, told The Sun. “And getting paid to do just that (and a little more) makes it all the more alluring.”
Gallery — They’ll Pay You To Smoke It, Not To Roll It:
Once the right candidate is found, the pro smoker will be responsible for trying the latest and greatest in legal weed products, from flower and vape pens, to edibles, topicals, and more.
“The cannabis products they will get to try range from various weed strains, edibles to CBD oils,” Blake said. “Everything that’s hot in the market, they will get to try it.”
The job offering isn’t restricted to one state — or even country — and is open to any adult 18 years or older living in Canada or an American state that allows legal cannabis. The company did not specify how the legal weed would be provided to the lucky laborer, but made sure to weed out any novices with a marijuana slang test.
Gallery — Don’t Smoke This Weed No Matter What They Pay You:
“If you think you’ve got the guts to smoke weed every day (plays Snoop Dogg song) and get paid doing it, you might just be the guy we need,” the job listing reads. “But DO NOT expect us to hire you just because you can smoke because we’re looking for a guy who also has extensive knowledge of marijuana to educate our readers.”
So if smoking weed everyday and collecting a monthly paycheck to review your daily doinks sounds like a step up from your current 9-5, it’s time to get working on a cover letter. You can apply for the dream gig here.
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