Just say the name: Purple Punch. It’s fun. It feels good. The words conjure thoughts of grape drink mix, freezer pops, fruit-infused cocktails, and other colorful cascades of mouth-watering excitement. Right away, you can almost taste it as “Purple Punch” rolls off the tongue.
If a weed strain takes on the moniker Purple Punch, it’s automatically got some sense-tingling standards to meet. It should smell like fresh-picked citrus, taste like a combination of Kool-Aid and blueberry muffins, and put smokers in the joyful, no-worries mindset inherent in such elemental pleasures.
It’s MERRY JANE’s pleasure to report that the Purple Punch indica strain does just that and more. It’s sweet, relaxing, and ideal for blazing up specifically to mellow out — to the point that sleepiness can definitely result. That factor is what makes Purple Punch weed increasingly popular as a late-night go-to for getting lit. So if you’ve been searching for Purple Punch weed facts, we’re here to enlighten.
Purple Punch image via Deanz Greenz
Is Purple Punch Actually Purple?
Purple Punch is a hybrid derived by unknown breeders who crossed two indica-leaning strains, Larry OG and Granddaddy Purple. Given that rich reefer legacy, Purple Punch definitely lives up to its name and legendary potential.
With fluffy, sugary nugs, and lush, dense purple and green highlights, Purple Punch has rightfully taken its place among beloved bud varieties of the same hues such as Purple Haze, Purple Trainwreck, Purple Skunk, Purple Dream, Sour Grape, and Grape Ape.
Purple Punch conveys all the strengths of other purple marijuana strains, bolstered by its own candy-scented merits. High among those is the aforementioned aroma and flavor. Purple ice-pop juice and robust berries absolutely dominate, with notes of vanilla and herbs enhancing each inhale. Earthy, pungent tones then turn up on exhale.
Image via The Herbal Cure
OK, That’s the “Purple” — What About the “Punch?”
Although containing a relatively restrained 20 percent THC factor, Purple Punch is a potent brew, and it delivers unmistakably mellow head and body results in short order. The strain’s 1 percent CBD quotient has much to do with that.
Intense waves of relaxation kick in, typically up under the scalp and behind the eyes. From there, Purple Punch’s pleasure factor rolls along down the spine and out to the limbs. The mind, meanwhile, happily follows along — releasing tension, clouding out distractions, and delightfully dipping ever deeper into cerebral bliss. Just un-focus and feel it.
Will Purple Punch Weed Put Me to Sleep?
Purple Punch’s ultimate impact feels like a light lift-off into carefree, airborne, everything-is-cool-everywhere sense of sedation. Just be prepared: Purple Punch can space you out so much that drowsiness can come easily and with irresistible power. Adjust your dosage accordingly.
What Else Can Purple Punch Do For Me?
Beyond getting high, Purple Punch smokers report the strain is first-rate for helping to address and alleviate mental and emotional stress, racing thoughts, body aches, migraines and, as indicated earlier, insomnia.
Given all these qualities, Purple Punch is perfect for firing up after a dope meal or at the end of the day. Plan to enjoy it while crashing on the couch to watch a fun flick or listen to chill music. You won’t be going anywhere and, believe us, Purple Punch will make you feel blissed AF to be exactly where you are.
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