Why hello there, traveller. I see you’ve had your fill of the trippiest food gifs and geometric shape gifs and returned for more “Whoa, Man”—that recurring series of images, videos, and gifs that are all kinds of whoa, free of charge.
But what are you thinking?! Don’t you know that the first presidential debate is on Monday and we’re less than 50 days away from the super important 2016 election? We don’t have time for psychadelic this, or trippy that! I haven’t made up my mind yet! I’m an undecided voter! (Just kidding. I made up my mind the first time Trump ran for president back in 2000, and it’s still a hard “NOPE!”)
Oh fine, I’ll give you my gifs, on one condition: You’ll vote in the general election. I mean it! Put down the vape pen for two seconds and register to vote! In most states, there’s still plenty of time! As a matter of fact, I’ll wait while you get to it….
Now that you’ve registered…onto the gifs! Warning: Bad trips may ensue.
First, we must give Obama a proper farewell. Here’s him being sworn in back in 2008.
You could always tell Barry wanted to be Commander-in-Chief
Here he is now. Go ahead. Ask President Obama any question.
Great. You scared him AND Veep Biden off.
Some people always gotta be cynical.
Although, things were looking pretty rough for the GOP during Primary season.
Until the party nominated the most responsible, experienced candidate.
Just kidding. They nominated a neo-fascist, sentient piece of Kung Pao chicken.
Before 2015, the khaki-colored candidate was best known for the complex structure ambitiously aimed at defying both gravity and obvious baldness sitting atop his head. 
Until he had a makeover….
Drag doesn't change who you are, it actually reveals who you are. #Drumpf pic.twitter.com/kG2EF4sEll
— RuPaul (@RuPaul) September 15, 2016