President Obama is amittedly an avid rap fan, and he’s definitely made his affinity for the genre known during his tenure as commander in chief of the United States. But where do his favorite rappers rank? In a recent phone interview with Sway in the Morning, Obama did just that.
“I think the young guys, Kendrick and Chance, are doing amazing work. I love Drake and the girls love Drake, so he’s commercially just doing great, and unbelievably talented,” Obama told Sway. “Jay Z’s still the king. I mean he’s got a track record. Same with Kanye so there’s a lot of talent out there, but when I look at who’s breaking new ground, Kendrick and Chance, those guys are doing just amazing work.”
So there you have it. Obama’s top five in no particular order are Jay Z, Drake, Kanye West, Chance the Rapper, and Kendrick Lamar. Here’s to hoping our next president has exquisite taste in rap music, however unlikely that might be. Watch the full interview here.