America’s 45th president, Donald J. Trump, is known for a lot of things. He unabashedly “speaks his mind,” then pretends he never said those things even though we have it on record.
Besides lying about a bunch of other important things, like his practically non-existent support from the LGBT communities, immigration, voting fraud, his own fraud cases, racism, and the economy, he’s also getting a reputation overseas for something that — quite frankly — has nothing to do with him or the bullshit he spews: Partiers may be dying from illicit ecstasy pills bearing his tangerine likeness.
Earlier this week, UK police issued a warning against the orange Donald Trump ecstasy pills that’ve been making the rounds worldwide. According to MSN, the pills have tested at anywhere between 260 to 330mg MDMA, the active ingredient of ecstasy (as pills) or molly (as powders). Most adults only need about 100 to 120mg MDMA for a “recreational dose.”
“These are very dangerous, high strength pills, up to three times the normal average adult dose,” tweeted the Leeds Festival police, where the Donald Trump pills were being sold.
Please be aware of the following named substances Donkey
Kong, Trump and Skype pills. They have been found in
circulation onsite. These are very dangerous, high strength pills, up to 3
times the normal average adult dose.— LeedsFestivalPolice (@LeedsFestPolice) August 23, 2019
The warning comes after a 17-year-old girl died on Saturday from allegedly taking ecstasy she received at the Leeds Festival.
“While the exact cause of her death is yet to be established, the information we have indicates that she has taken a combination of drugs,” said Police Commander Matt Davison, according to The Guardian. “This is a tragic incident and I hope serves as a timely reminder to others of the risk of taking illegal substances, particularly when mixing different types of drugs and drinking alcohol.”
Two other people died of suspected drug overdoses at two separate music festivals in the UK — Festival Republic and the Reading Festival — over the weekend, as well.
Gallery — A History of Musicians and MDMA:
While MDMA is currently being investigated by clinical researchers as a safe treatment for PTSD and chronic depression, street versions of the drug are often adulterated with more dangerous substances such as meth, cocaine, or opioids like fentanyl. The combination of high MDMA doses, lethal hard drugs, and alcohol, coupled with dehydration and overheating caused by MDMA and dancing, makes for a deadly recipe.
Furthermore, the MDMA clinical trials aren’t showing success solely because of the drug. Rather, it’s the synergistic mix of proper setting, a trained psychotherapist, and the MDMA that yields such profound healing. So, rolling your face off without the right elements — and on Donald Trump pressies — probably won’t do much for you except kill some brain cells.
Authorities have no idea who’s making these Donald Trump pills or where they’re being manufactured. It’s likely that different batches of the pills are being made by different producers, so there’s no telling what’s actually in them at any given time. But if you’re (un)lucky enough to stumble across these orange rollers, and you insist on taking them, it might be wise to break them into halves or thirds first.
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