Legalization has been a hotly discussed topic amongst current presidential candidates like Democratic representative and avid supporter Bernie Sanders and the varied stances of candidates of the Republican party. While Sarah Palin may no longer be a current political figure in the running, the former Alaska governor surprised many by voicing her nonchalant support for legalizing cannabis.
But considering that the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate grew up in Alaska, still the most conservative state to legalize cannabis so far, her lenient view on marijuana makes sense. "I grew up in Alaska when pot was legal anyway. It was absolutely no big deal […] And I still believe that. But when it comes to picking our battles, for many of us in Alaska, legalization of marijuana just was never really a bright blip on the radar screen," she explained in a radio interview.
"I look on the national scene and think, wow, of all things to be fighting over and battling over, especially when it comes to medical marijuana. I think, hmm, this is just not my baby," she shared.
Amen, Palin. Amen.