Cannabis entrepreneur Mike Tyson has turned over his fair share of (pot) leaves over the years, but if anything is a testament to his newfound cool, it’s this.
Last week, TMZ reported that an unidentified man approached Tyson and his entourage at a rooftop bar in Hollywood. During the middle of a stand-up comedy set, the man challenged Tyson to a fight to “upgrade my status,” which Tyson declined.
Tyson, of course, only fights in the ring. He maintained his chill throughout the encounter, and turned the man down.
When the bar’s emcee tried to intervene, the man allegedly brandished a pistol and threatened to shoot the emcee.
As everyone ducked for cover, the man soon expressed his regret at whipping out the gun. After an exchange of words, the man tucked away his pistol, and Tyson hugged it out with the guy.
According to TMZ, the LAPD was not contacted regarding the incident, and no one was injured.
Was this real, or was it a publicity stunt? Regardless, Tyson used his mind and his words rather than his fists, perhaps proving that, yes, he’s become less violent since he became an avid weed-smoker.