In Oregon, it’s possible to score a gram of primo pot for just $1. But now, at a dispensary in San Francisco, some Californians can snag an entire eighth-ounce of weed for the same low price.
Over the weekend, Barbary Coast, a dispensary located in San Francisco, unveiled a new “compassion” menu for customers who are financially in-need due to the coronavirus crisis that’s hitting the US. The menu offers Sherbinskis’s proprietary weed strain, Acai Berry, for only $1 per eighth (approximately 3.5 grams). Normally, an eighth of that strain goes for $75.
“San Francisco set the tone for the world when it comes to providing cannabis and compassion to the cannabis community,” Mario Guzman, the head of the pot cultivation company Sherbinskis and the breeder of the world-famous strains Gelato and Sunset Sherbet, told SFGate. “Some of the first dispensaries in the world started here. Barbary Coast is part of that inner thread, as is Sherbinskis. Together, we have joined our efforts to show some love in the best way we know how: sharing flowers.”
As of last week, 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment after the nation’s economy came to a standstill in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. It was the largest unemployment filing in the nation’s history, with the previous record being just 695,000 claims in 1982.
The US Federal Reserve estimates, at current rates, that as many as 47 million Americans may lose their jobs as the coronavirus crisis continues, reaching a startling 32.1 percent unemployment rate within the coming months.
Barbary Coast’s compassion menu would guarantee that Bay Area cannabis consumers can still buy quality weed even if their bank accounts are taking a hit right now — so long as supplies last, of course. To access the compassion menu, customers will not need to provide proof of their financial hardships. Barbary Coast will sell the $1 eighths on an honor system instead.
California and other states have deemed marijuana dispensaries as “essential” or “critical” services during the coronavirus pandemic. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, California’s shelter-in-place orders require residents to stay at home except under certain circumstances, such as to buy groceries, medicine — or weed.
“Right now, people are scared and struggling to get by, so it’s vital we provide help, hope and hugs to our community,” said Barbary Coast’s CEO and cofounder, Jesse Henry. “Let’s give some relief during this difficult and unprecedented crisis.”