It goes without saying that the staff here at MERRY JANE is very familiar with all-things dank nug. After all, we've made it our mission to explore and highlight every facet of the magical plant, and that comes with quite a bit of — *cough cough* — research.
But even though we're comfortable with cannabis culture, we have to remind ourselves that every person's relationship with marijuana is unique, and not everyone is accustomed to trying weed lube or gobbling an infused brownie with a whopping 1000mg of THC. This includes our own mothers.
While there are plenty of weed moms out there, advocating for legalization and pushing the benefits of medical marijuana, there is still a long way to go before cannabis consumption is normalized in the eyes of Baby Boomers on a nationwide scale. However the holidays have arrived, and now might be the time to try and talk to your mom about the many merits of marijuana. Better yet, why not get your mom a ganja-related gift for the holidaze that's tailored to her specific needs?
But what type of cannabis treat should you give to a mom, especially if she's not a veteran toker? A dab rig is way too extra, and even gifting flower or homemade edibles could lead to a messy and traumatic situation for all kin involved. It's hard to pick a pot present for the uninitiated or intimidated, but the staff at MERRY JANE is here to help. We asked our talented and weed-loving team what gifts they're getting their mothers this year, and they explained why each product is ideal for the special ladies who we love and owe our lives to. Here's to you, ma!
Mondo Meds THC Powder
(Buy it here)
This holiday season, I'm suggesting Mondo Meds for my mom. She's not a big wine drinker, nor does she turn to yoga or meditation to calm her down — meaning, she doesn't really treat her anxiety in any physical way. But, as someone in charge of hosting our giant family Christmas party, she's bound to need a way to wind down.
Mondo is perfect for first timers looking for an intro to cannabis wellness. The powder, which comes as precise scoops that you can sprinkle on a bowl of fruit, can help her microdose to suit her needs. Not to mention, she doesn't have to deal with a) the fact that doesn't know how to smoke b) the stench of smoke (she's a clean freak) and c) the old cultural stigma that still comes with smoking weed. It's essentially using cannabis without the image of a stereotypical stoner attached to it.
~ Tara Aquino, Producer
Breez Mints
(Buy it here)
My dear mom is a lovely but sensitive woman with no major qualms about marijuana, yet she's never been a regular user (OK, at least since her teenage years). To avoid taking her on a wild ride that could turn her off from today's super-potent cannabis entirely, I'm planning to gift her these infused cinnamon mints from Breez. With a 1:1 ratio of calming CBD to psychoactive THC, totaling just 10 milligrams of cannabinoids in all, you get the best of both worlds in a mint that's perfect for micro-dosing. This way mom can start slow and decide whether she wants to step up her intake — which would be interesting! Field note: these are also great for taking to the movies.
~ Bill Kilby, Editor
Awakened Topicals: Raw Cannabis Balm
(Buy it here)
My family is from rural Massachusetts, and there are deer ticks everywhere. Unfortunately, both my parents contracted Lyme Disease, and it really fucked them up for a couple years. My mom was even misdiagnosed at first with rheumatoid arthritis, and the doctors pumped her full of chemicals that ultimately exacerbated her symptoms. Eventually, they figured out what was wrong, and her Lyme is now in remission. She still has flare ups, which cause serious pain and a million other problems — all which can be alleviated by the wonderful properties of cannabis.
So for the holidays this year, I got my mom some “Raw Cannabis Balm” by the award-winning brand Awakened Topicals. To quote the company, the balm is a "miracle worker for chronic pain and inflammation,” and the product is “specially formulated for severe joint and muscle pain.” Not only will it treat her symptoms when they rear their ugly head, but it won’t get her high. She prefers vapes or old-school joints (sans-filter) when it comes to enjoying weed recreationally, but sometimes today's cannabis quality is too damn strong. This topical won’t lead to a THC-overload, and it's got nice, no-bullshit packaging that I know she will appreciate. By the time every other parent in Massachusetts is ready to embrace legalizaton, my mom will be the educated head who knows what to recommend. Love you mom!
~ Zach Sokol, Editor
hmbldt Sleep Pen
(Buy it here)
My mother-in-law has been using medication to get a good night sleep for years and with all of the recent stories around opioid addiction, she has become more engaged in conversations regarding the use of cannabis. So for the holidays this year, I plan on getting her the hmbldt "Sleep Pen" to try. The packaging and pen are beautifully designed and they clearly state what the product is for — sleep. Also, from my experience, the product actually works, and the self-dosing feature, while somewhat gimmicky, does provide a level of comfort for new users. Plus, it's important for me to provide recommendations for products that I have actually used, and this one's a winner.
~ Jim Baudino, VP of Marketing & Business Development
Professor Snook's Tinctures
(Buy it here)
As liberal as my mom is, she still can't bring herself to try cannabis. I've given her topicals, but she doesn't like the way they smell. And she sure as hell isn't down to smoke! Then I was told about Professor Snook's Tinctures. The bottle looks like something you would find at a health store or apothecary, and it's easy to use. She isn't a big tea drinker but she is open to taking drops under her tongue daily along with her other vitamins and supplements. What I really like about the product is that it uses an olive oil base, and I recently found out that it contains little-to-no decarboxylated THC, meaning she won't feel any different after taking it although it will still be working 🙂
~ Maya Cooper, Associate Director of Marketing
Mike Gong Acid Eater Pendant
(Buy it here)
Some moms are down with #weed, other moms aren't. Nothing shows support for the #movement (regardless of whether your mom tokes or not) like Mike Gong's acid eater pendant. Why buy your mom another Pashmina, when you could get her an acid eater pendant instead? Plus, some moms like eating acid, too.
~ Noah Rubin, Editor-in-Chief