The latest installment of Real Skateboards’ “Surveillance” series features riders Justin Brock, Davis Torgerson and Chima Ferguson—all multi-terrain powerhouses on four wheels. The combination makes for over six minutes of incredibly diverse, heart-pounding hammers and occasional slams known as “Surveillance #6.”
Notable guests featured in the edit include Ishod Wair, Zion Wright and Jack Olson. Think of them as the festive sprinkles to an already hearty and massive adrenaline sundae. This is to say that the main event is no joke and very likely to raise your energy levels way up so pace yourself. You may even need to watch the video in portions. Seriously, we’ve never considered the health implications of a skateboarding edit on the viewer, but watching feats like Chima gapping into a massive front board, Brock blunt sliding to fakie into a ditch, or Davis skitching after a car up a steep bank to clear a massive gap with a nollie really took our vital signs to critical status.
Be warned, this edit is really good, just make sure you’re ready for the thrill ride.