Seeing as how Brazilian skateboarding is pretty much recognized across the board as a legit international export by now, it’s only right that the New Balance Numeric squad touch down to experience some of the country’s most renowned streets and spots.
In this latest trip, dubbed “Solo Brasileiro,” fans can catch riders Jordan Taylor, JP Souza, Tom Knox, Marquise Henry, Arto Saari, Levi Brown, Flo Mirtain, Franky Villani, Pedro Biagio and Jack Curtin all respectively putting it down and handling their four-wheel business.
The edit, another beautifully filmed cinematic experience captured by Los Angeles’ Brindle Collective, uses bright colors, dynamic angles, drone footage, and a few other techniques to keep fans and viewers visually engaged. Though the skateboarding obviously speaks for itself, it’s always nice to have an added touch of artistic edge and polish to separate an edit from the pack. International music enthusiasts can also appreciate the sounds of Carla Hassett’s “Guerreira Vai” and Ultravox’s “Reap the Wild Wind” as they both lace the video’s action.
We may not always be able to purchase that international flight to remote destinations like Brazil, but as skaters and visually inclined civilians, we can most definitely appreciate the sights and sounds of a sweet skate video.