Dear Mother,
I've seen that cannabis yoga classes are a real thing in legal states and was wondering if there was a way to incorporate my favorite herb into my own practice at home?
— Stretching for an Answer
Dear SFAA,
The practice of yoga can be an essential part of improving your well-being—and the same can be said for cannabis! So it makes a lot of sense that there are professionals out there who are combing the two for a powerhouse of a practice. While ideally, it would be awesome if everyone had access to a legal cannabis yoga class, the reality is that we're not there yet in this country. So, if you can't get to one nearby, let's look at how you can have your own personal experience in the comfort of your home.
I spoke with Stacey Mulvey, Founder of Marijuasana, a company that conducts hemp and cannabis infused yoga classes in Denver, D.C., Boston, Las Vegas, and more. Mulvey's classes are warm and social, with grounded and expressive yoga for all levels. Below, she shares her top three tips for creating a cannabis yoga practice at home.
Tip One: Clear out some space
Image courtesy of Stacey Mulvey and Marijuasana
"Tidy up the room where you want to practice. It doesn't have to be an elaborate undertaking. Even if you just move all the laundry to the other side of the room so you have a place to lay down your mat, that's okay. This small act of straightening up your external environment translates to the space you're about to clear in your body and mind. While you're at it, silence your technology so you can't be pestered. The great thing about doing a practice at home is that you don't have to go anywhere. However, it can also be the main drawback if your environment has a lot of distractions. Commit to carving out some space and time for yourself; and you may find that afterwards, you're able to tackle those unfinished tasks and respond to the world with renewed energy. Your practice is a chance to focus on you. And truly, it will all be waiting for you when you finish."
Tip Two: Have a goal in mind before you start…
Image courtesy of Stacey Mulvey and Marijuasana
"…but promise to give yourself a few breaks along the way. It's tempting to go easy on yourself if you don't have a teacher there to push you a little bit. My suggestion is to start out with some cannabis before you begin. Then, load up your pipe with a fresh bowl that's ready to go. Decide on a number, as in repetitions of Sun Salutes or breaths that you'll take before you stop. That way you can push yourself a little bit and know that as soon as you reach your goal, your incentive is right there waiting for you. In Marijuasana, we always take one planned break during our yoga class. Knowing you have a break on the horizon means you can push your edge just a little further during practice because there's an end, and reward, in sight."
Tip Three: Create a ritual
Image courtesy of Stacey Mulvey and Marijuasana
"This personalizes your practice. It can be as complex or as simple as you'd like. Maybe it's a special piece of glass that you use just for yoga or, perhaps, it's a candle that you light before you start. I used to set up a crazy LED light that would change colors and set it at the top of my mat because it made me happy. I only turned it on when I did my practice. A practice is a healthy pattern that you're cultivating, and doing some prescribed actions or using a specific object primes you for the intention that you are setting every time you do your practice. And what is your intention? Well, that's up to you."
Mulvey says that one interpretation of yoga is "connection to experience." For her, one of the biggest benefits of cannabis yoga is the opening of space. "Once the space starts to open up," says Mulvey, "You may find that you are empowered in your own healing process, whether that healing is needed on an emotional level, physiological, or both. The more space you gain, the more you're able to observe the stories the mind tells itself, and the tension the body holds. To a certain degree, yoga and cannabis may do this without aid from the other, but together they are a truly effective combination."
So if you're a fan of cannabis and a fan of yoga, but are unable to get to a legal class like Marijuasana, why not try to bring your practice home?
— Mother