There are very few filmmakers who can actually make people go to the movies based purely on their name but Martin Scorsese is one of them (along with Woody Allen and Quentin Tarantino). He’s a director who needs no introduction, with a career so vast and filled with quality films it makes our head spin. Scorsese actually has such a following that Paramount can afford to release the trailer for his new project only a month before it hits theaters, and that may prove to be a pretty smart move.
Even though Silence doesn’t look like his usual fare, it has always been one of his passion projects, and he said “I’ve wanted to make Silence for almost two decades, and it is finally a reality”. This isn’t the first time he holds on to a project for this long. It was also the case with Gangs of New York, which he originally tried to make happen in the ‘70s starring The Clash…let’s just add this to the list of awesome movies we’ll never get to see.
So what is Silence about? According to the official synopsis and trailer, it tells the story of two jesuit priests getting into a whole heap of trouble in 17th century Japan, presumably while looking for their mentor. Pretty vague, but who cares about the synopsis when you know you’ll be walking in to see a brilliant film anyway. The lead actors are Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver, and judging by the trailer, it looks like they went all in for the roles. Driver (of Girls and emo Kylo Ren fame) lost 50 pounds for the part and Scorsese said Garfield was so committed to the character that he could “he could out-Jesuit a Jesuit.” Let’s not forget Liam Neeson as the lost mentor, which wraps up what looks like a damn good cast.
Needless to say, we are very hyped for this movie, and it looks like it won’t be disappoint. Of course, the trailer for Kundun wasn’t bad either, but turned out to be pretty fucking boring, to put it mildly. But rest assured, Silence looks epic, gritty, violent and intense. Obviously this will be one of the big Oscar contenders this year, with a release slated for December 23rd. A select few, are lucky and will be witnessing Scorsese’s genius before everyone else as the film will screen in Rome for the Pope and 400 jesuit priests before anyone else. Needless to say, we are quite excited for Pope Francis’ review of Scorsese’s latest!
Watch the trailer here.