As in many states, the fight to fully legalize cannabis in Massachusetts has been a contentious one. Groups opposed to legalization have tried to block the vote on recreational use (Question 4) and launched a ridiculous ad that paints legal, regulated, and taxed cannabis as both a threat to youth and a gateway drug to a dystopian future. As fearmongering goes, it’s up there with Donald Trump’s depiction of the end times in the U.S.
Lawyer, advocate, and justice of the peace Will Luzier is working hard to educate the Massachusetts electorate on how voting yes on Question 4 will actually change the state for the better. MERRY JANE sat down with Luzier at the Yes on 4 headquarters, where he elucidated the specifics of possession and growing under the initiative, as well as how it will ensure that people under the age of 21 do not have access to marijuana, end racially biased arrests, and even help Massachusetts patients, who have only seven dispensaries servicing them despite the legalization of medical use four years ago.
Watch the video to see why Luzier believes the people of Massachusetts should vote yes on 4.