When science and strains collide, things start to get interesting.

Because America’s views concerning weed have evolved, scientists are now free to study how marijuana plants have evolved. States that have legalized marijuana have given biotech startups the opportunity to dive into your favorite strains and map their genetic lineages, to find out what it is that makes them tick. What they have already discovered could surprise you (and you might not look at specific Sativa strains the same way again). Now let that blow your mind for a second.

Much of their research is not just for fun and will affect users who do not just toke up for recreational purposes. If you use marijuana because of illness, genetic testing will help connect patients with the right strains for their particular disease. The medical marijuana industry and patients around the country will benefit from this research—but there’s one bigly thing standing in their way (I’m sure you can guess what it is).

Come with us and look at marijuana like you have never looked at it before. Don’t let anyone ever tell you science isn’t cool.