Medical use of marijuana seems to be the driver behind the majority of cannabis research. Cannabidiol, or CBD, has made considerable progress in MMJ research due it’s benefits for people with movement incapacity.
CBD is chemically similar to THC, but is non-psychoactive. According to the video, CBD is known to reduce nausea, depress seizure activity, combat neurodegenerative disorders and reduce tumor and cancer cells. CBD and THC are produced naturally within our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps maintain homeostasis. When we become sick, our ECS is thrown off balance. Additional amounts of THC and CBD can help equalize our ECS, making us feel better.
One major focus of research toward the advantages of CBD is spasticity. Spasticity is a condition in which specific muscles are continuously strained and contracted. It can cause stiffness and tightness. The painful side effects of this condition can reduce mobility and cause problems in everyday life.
Researches have developed a safe medicine for treatment of spasticity, known as Sativex, which is composed mostly of CBD. Different countries have approved the use of Sativex and understand it to be a more holistic treatment, as opposed to a pharmaceutical substitute that could prove harmful to a patient due to synthetic chemicals.
Because THC and CBD are produced naturally within the body, natural treatments like Sativex could help spasticity patients overcome their pain. Think of THC and CBD as super vitamins that could help treat and maybe even cure diseases that have, until recently, caught the attention of harmful pharmaceutical corporations.