In an attempt to be more appealing to a larger group of consumers, cannabis products such as topical oils, mints and even pre-rolled joints, are getting more mild in potency. SF Gate reports, “Only a tiny fraction of the population consumes cannabis daily, develops a tolerance to its effects, and a taste for super-potent pot. Daily heavy users, combined with higher black market profits for more potent bud, have driven production values up until legalization. Ironically, legalization has created room in the market for mild marijuana and even no-high, therapeutic pot.” Therefore the market is being saturated with products with a low-dose of THC. “As for those top-shelf, 30 percent THC crystalline flowers — don’t fear, aficionados. To make an alcohol analogy: under prohibition, hard liquor ruled. Now, the legal market is adding light beer, ultra-light beer, craft beer, wine and a health drink section. There will still be great hard stuff, but consumers have more options.”