Consuming too much of a cannabis edible can be a terrifying experience for some. It seems, when consumed in edible form, the psychoactive properties of cannabis truly shine through. One moment you’re all like, “that weed candy sucked, it didn’t work,” and the next moment you’re levitating down the street, wandering in front of traffic in hot pursuit of the nearest burrito.
But, for regulators and many parents, cannabis edibles are serious businesses, posing a threat to the safety of children in states like Colorado, where new restrictions on cannabis edibles were implemented last week regulating the form which THC-infused edibles can legally take.
Colorado’s health department first proposed a ban in 2014. “This is by far the simplest recommendation,” state Rep. Jonathan Singer, D-Longmont, said. “But I don’t know if it gets us to where we want to be.”
The movement came after reports by Children’s Hospital of an increase in accidents involving children consuming marijuana-infused products. Apparently, parents are leaving weed candies within the reach of children. Probably, “because [they] got high.”
According to Dan Anglin, Colorado Cannabis Chamber of Commerce chairman, infused edibles comprise approximately half of the Mile High State’s legal cannabis market.
House Bill 1366, passed in 2014, required state regulators to devise laws on edible-cannabis products so they are more identifiable when out of their packaging, whether it be a stamp or other means. Regulations were signed into law last week.
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill into law on Friday banning the production and sale of THC-infused edible resembling “the form of animals, people and fruit.” (The internet is not going to be happy about a future without cat-shaped marijuana candies).
The law goes into effect July 1.
The move comes despite reports by the federal government that “youth marijuana use remained unchanged in 48 states and declined in 3 states between 2012–2013 and 2013–2014.”
According to many reports, the marijuana edibles coming out of Colorado are world class. Dozens of articles talking about people becoming too intoxicated litter the Internet. Their experiences are probably like this cop who ate some THC-infused brownies:
Unfortunately, “Man eats cannabis edible and has a f*cking killer time” doesn’t drive traffic, so the world will never know.
At least now, when children go to sneak some candy behind their parents back, they can separate that devilish THC candy from the good stuff…