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There are certain police chases where cops should give up due to the sheer ingenuity of the “fugitive.” Like the teenager in Australia who was caught riding a motorized Esky cooler filled with weed, electric scales, and a filthy bong around Melbourne, Australia.
The police allege that the 17-year-old was transporting narcotics on his motorized weed wagon. While it may be true, the wagon he built is genius. It has a “Slippery when wet” sign at the front, like a personalized license plate. The cooler — which held the goods — was the driver’s seat. Two shovels were strapped onto the sides because, well, you never know when you’re going to need to dig up or bury something. The cops should have just let the boy ride his weed-filled cooler.
According to local news, police received many calls from “concerned neighbors” about the bong-riddled, motorized cooler. And in a bizarre use of police resources, the cops sent a helicopter unit to help track down the weed-mobile.
It seems excessive, not to mention bad for the environment. Nothing more assuring than seeing how, uh, wisely, the cops are using their money. The local news says that the boy was in a relatively small neighborhood suburb of Melbourne, which adds to the drama of sending a copter out to essentially uphold the drug war. Shouldn’t the police have simply cruised on by in a vehicle to assess the situation? Seems like far less resources.
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They truly should have just let him be — and not because he engineered a dope scooter. The amount of weed he had on him (which looks like under three ounces) is considered personal use in some parts of the United States.
No charges have been pressed yet, and hopefully they never come because this dude is a national treasure.