President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Stephen K. Bannon, the former president of Breitbart News as chief strategist and senior counselor. Bannon has a long, extensive history of allegedly being involved with both antisemitic activities and white nationalism. To be fair, the Democrats have called many people racist- however, this time Bannon might be a bona fide white supremacist.
The announcement comes hot on the heels of staffing Reince Priebus as Trump's new chief of staff. Breitbart is the go-to source for the alt-right counterculture movement, which has strong ties to the white nationalist movement.
As the Washington Post reported, Bannon ranted about the confederate flag two weeks after Dylan Roof mowed down a church full of innocent blacks. “Hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage.” Bannon proclaimed in a published article.
Bannon's rise has been publicly slammed by The Anti-Defamation League, The Southern Poverty Law Center, The Council on American-Islamic Relations and many more. A spokesman for Senator Harry Reid slammed Trump's decision to appoint Bannon. "President-elect Trump's choice of Steve Bannon as his top aide signals that white supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump's White House," Adam Jentleson said. "It is easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of white supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide … Sworn testimony in a court case alleged that Bannon committed violent domestic abuse and stated that he 'didn't want the girls going to school with Jews.'"
Hours after the announcement, a surge in hate crimes against Muslims was reported. The F.B.I reported a seven percent increase in hate crimes against various groups of victims. An increase in transgender hate crimes was also reported.
The tweets immediately started rolling in, laced with harsh criticism. Presidential candidate Evan McMullin, who won an astonishing 21 percent of the state of Utah, was outraged. “Will any national level elected GOP leaders condemn @realDonaldTrump's appointment of anti-Semite Steve Bannon to senior White House role?” McMullin tweeted Sunday.
John Weaver, a strategist for Ohio Governor John Kasich, didn't mince his words. “The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office,” Weaver tweeted. “Be very vigilant America.”
Steve Bannon's co-workers rushed to his defense. “I've worked closely w/ Steve Bannon at Breitbart. He's an American patriot who also defends Israel & has deep empathy for the Jewish people.”Joel P. Pollack tweeted.
The decision to appoint Bannon only confirms the worst of our fears.