Hey there dear cannabis-consuming readers, look up at the top of this page for a moment. See that tab on the right-hand side of our logo? That, my friends, is a peek into SESH—our own social photo app for sharing your good times enjoying the sacred plant; with us, your bud-dies, and a broader community of cannabis users proud to show off their positive experiences with kush. You can click that tab we showed you a moment ago to see all that’s popping on SESH, but here’s a taste of what SESHers are up to already:
See? No big deal; just folks enjoying themselves. But a great sesh is nothing without all of your friends, and we want to make sure every one of you is in mix. So, here’s the deal: Starting today, we want you to join our SESH and share your best wake-and-bake moment with us and our crew. It can be your normal routine, or just an exceptionally good morning with your herb.
Once you’ve picked out your moment of morning truth, upload it to the SESH app (available on both iOS & Android), comment @MERRYJANE, and tag that sucker #WANTABEANIE. Why? Because we’re going to pick the funniest, exciting, most interesting, and just plain chill wake-and-bake SESHes and give those users a timely gift for this long winter—an official MERRY JANE beanie (see above) to keep your dome warm and cozy for the rest of the season and all year round.
All you have to do is download and join SESH, then post your best wake-and-bake by Feb. 20 to be in the running for a MERRY JANE hat. So, what are you waiting for? We know you’re waking and baking already, so why not get a sweet toque (not that kind) out of it? Time to take your SESH online—we’ll see you there!