The push to legalize marijuana at the federal level, or at least get the Department of Justice to maintain the Status Quo, may finally have the support it needs to be taken seriously.

It seems that master political strategist Roger Stone, who has deep roots in the Trump administration, and Orlando attorney John Morgan, the man who bankrolled the bulk of the campaign to legalize medical marijuana in Florida (a rumored gubernatorial candidate), have officially launched a bi-partisan group called the United States Cannabis Coalition, which they will use to persuade the federal government to reverse federal cannabis prohibition.

In a recent press release, the two, high-profile cannabis advocates said the primary goal of the new coalition, which consists of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, is to ensure that President Trump respects the marijuana laws passed in over half the nation. The group will also pressure Trump to remove the cannabis plant from its Schedule 1 classification under the DEA’s Controlled Substances Act.

Stone, who has had the power to bend Trump’s ear for the past four decades, says he is confident the group can convince the President to move forward with marijuana reform – not take it backwards.

“It is our intention to press the Trump Administration from the top down to recognize the medicinal value and economic potential of cannabis,” Stone said. “We have an innovative, outside the box strategy to win this important fight and I am confident that with our support, the president will ultimately keep his word and do the right thing.”

However, if President Trump fails to do the right thing, the group plans to infiltrate both chambers of Congress.

“In the event that the Trump administration does not keep faith with the millions of voters whose medicinal marijuana he promised to protect, we are prepared to take our bi-partisan effort to both houses of Congress to legalize cannabis and its sale federally.” Morgan said.

“With a coalition of Libertarian-minded Republicans and progressive Democrats we will succeed. At least one member of the Senate has already introduced legislation that would legalize cannabis entirely,” he added.

The United States Cannabis Coalition has so far attracted a broad legion of supporters to serve on its advisory board. Fox News Legal Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, NY State Senator Diane Savino, and Guardian Angels Founder and Chairman of The New York State Reform Party Curtis Sliwa have all signed on to be part of this movement.

Although President Trump said throughout his campaign that he supports medical marijuana “100 percent,” he has not taken a solid stance in support of the issue since taking office. What’s worse is his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has been taking steps to ensure statewide marijuana legalization travels a hard road. He asked Congress earlier this year to eliminate the medical marijuana protections known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, and he recently insinuated through a series of letters that legal marijuana states were spiraling out of control.