Hound Labs, Inc. scientists have been working on creating a way to detect marijuana usage in drivers who are pulled over for a suspected DUI. Previously, an effective method to detect the timing of the high has not existed, but now, these chemists may have figured out a way to tell if a driver is high in the exact moment that they are pulled over, solving the main issue that halted marijuana breathalyzer technology from being created.
Rumors have swirled about the creation of this technology for a long time now, but it looks like research may be close to making it a reality. The technology created will be tested earlier next year in clinical trials. This test will attempt to clarify accurate THC levels in a driver to avoid wrongful arrests of those who might have THC still in their system but from an earlier time. Currently, there are breathalyzers that test for THC on the market, but they do not measure the concentration, which means they cannot detect when the THC entered the person's system.
Things seem to be happening rapidly and it's not hard to imagine how excited law enforcement might be about this technology.