It seems like every pet store you go into these days is chock full of CBD products. From treats to oils, cannabidiol is making waves among vets and pet owners for its ability to ease anxiety and promote wellness. But in the world of equestrian competition, a new rule has put the use of CBD on the same level as steroids.
According to a press release from the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), and first reported by Marijuana Moment, the regulators in control of all domestic dressage, jumping, and endurance events will now ban all cannabidiol use in competition horses, saying that the hemp extract is “likely to affect the performance of a horse.”
“While hemp does not contain more than 0.3% THC, it does contain CBD,” the USEF press release reads. “CBD, both natural and synthetic forms, are likely to affect the performance of a horse due to its reported anxiolytic effects. This substance is no different than legitimate therapeutics that affect mentation and behavior in horses. It is for these reasons that USEF prohibits CBD and all related cannabinoids. Horses competing under USEF rules who test positive for natural cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and other cannabimimetics will be considered in violation of GR4 beginning September 1, 2019.”
It is important to note that the USEF does not have any jurisdiction over thoroughbred race horses or the Triple Crown events that gamblers and goofy hat wearers love so much. But for competition horses off of the race track, CBD just turned into a controlled substance, and drug tests will soon look for cannabinoid.
“It is important to note that analytical methods are being implemented to detect CBD and similar cannabinoids,” the press release continues. “Both USEF and FEI list natural cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and other cannabimimetics as prohibited substances. Caution is important when using these products as their composition widely varies and may not be representative of their label claims as there is no regulatory oversight from the FDA, nor guarantee of their safety in horses.”
So for all of our dressage fans out there: next time you’re at the stables having a hard time calming down your favorite phillie, reach for an apple and a brush and leave the CBD at home. Otherwise, you’ll risk getting sidelined from competition and will have to deal with your own headaches.
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