Colorado will officially take some of the fun out of cannabis edibles at the beginning of the month.
Reports show that the state’s retail marijuana regulatators will no longer allow the sale of THC-infused edibles products in any form that could be misconstrued as candy by young children. This means, as of October 1, it will be against the law for dispensaries to sell pot candies resembling animals, cartoons, fruits, or humans – all of these products will need to be more generic by design, appearing only in non-descript shapes.
This policy change, which was pushed through, earlier last year, is all part of the state’s plan to ramp up the legal marijuana market’s attention to public safety. The new rule was put into place after countless reports began to surface, shortly after the state launched its fully legal pot marketplace, suggesting that more kids were being admitted to emergency rooms all across the state for accidentally ingesting pot edibles.
It is worth mentioning, however, that the reported cases of child poisonings a result of the accidental ingestion of THC products has been up and down for the past couple of years. According to the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, these types of cases increased slightly shortly after marijuana was made legal in 2014, but actually decreased last year.
In addition, the new rules call for all edible marijuana products, which can now only be sold in 10-milligram serving sizes, to be stamped with a universal THC symbol. This warning label, (which looks like it should be plastered on the side of a barrel full of nuclear waste) must also contain information pertaining to product potency and pesticide testing. But the one thing the label cannot display is any word suggesting the product is a “candy.”
As far as the industry goes, most manufactures of cannabis edibles are already way ahead of the game.
“At this point I am not aware of any manufacturers who are not already compliant with this rule in advance,” Peggy Moore, co-owner of Love’s Oven, told the Cannabis Industry Journal. “The most common solution is to move to a square, circle or other shape utilizing molds.”
Although there was a great deal of controversy at first surrounding the state’s determination to change how pot edibles are manufactured, most of those involved in the cannabis industry believe the new rule is reasonable, not only in the interest of providing added protection to children, but in becoming a better role model in the realm of marijuana legalization for the rest of the country.