In this week’s ‘Meet MERRY JANE’ article, we will be diving into our Goods section. The team at MERRY JANE likes to refer to Goods as our ‘one-of-a-kind, forever-growing cannabis database.’ It is a place for our users to explore and favorite all the various flowers, edibles, concentrates and topical products that the cannabis industry has to offer.
When you first arrive on the Goods page, you will be greeted by four large squares or cards. These cards allow you to filter through and explore our product encyclopedia based on Category, Type, Effect and/or Flavor. Choose any of the four categories in order begin searching through the MERRY JANE cannabis database. Select additional card options in order to further refine your search.
Just below the filter cards, you will notice a search bar where you can search for a specific strain or product. If you are viewing from a mobile browser, the search bar will be the first thing you see and is the only way to currently navigate Goods. But don’t worry, we are working hard on both our Android and iOS mobile applications and hope to have them out in the beginning of the new year.
You can use the drop down filter options in order to explore MERRY JANE’s Featured and most Popular cannabis goods. For an alternative view, change the view filter and the display switches to a card layout.
Click / Tap on a specific Good in order to learn more information. Goods have a main image, four primary characteristics, a brief description, and a 360 degree view. The main image will provide an up-close look at the Good. The Characteristics section provides a visual snapshot of key information about a particular Good. The Good description provides a brief written background on that particular flower or product. Lastly, on certain popular Good pages, you will see a 360 Good View. This is a 360 degree product view that you can use to explore a particular Good from any angle.
For information on where to purchase one of the products offered in the MERRY JANE Goods section, look to the right of the page where we list ‘Nearby Dispensaries.’ If you don’t see any listed that means the Good is not being sold at any dispensaries close to you.
At the very top of the page, you will once again see the ‘Add to Favorites’ button. MERRY JANE users can add Goods to their ‘Favorites List’ in order to personalize their MERRY JANE experience. When a user adds a Good to their Favorites List, they will begin to receive activity updates related to that Good. Want to know if one of your favorite products is being sold near you? How about if the price changed or if it’s being offered as a special? Simply add the Good to your Favorites, sit back and watch your User Feed for all the latests updates. We will be adding more alert options in the near future.
We hope this provided you with a more detailed look at the Goods section of MERRY JANE. Create an account and begin to favorite your top strains and products today! And don’t forget to comment on and share your favorite Goods with all your friends.