As part of Los Angeles’ sweeping crackdown on black market weed, the city filed a lawsuit worth millions against an unlicensed pot shop.

The storefront, Kush Club 20, does not possess a temporary license to sell cannabis. City officials also alleged the dispensary sold weed contaminated with the banned pesticide paclobutrazol, which prevents powdery mildew and mold, reported NBC4.

“Customers patronize illegal shops at their peril, and undermine businesses who play by the rules — and whose

tested to protect buyers’ health,” said City Attorney Mike Feuer in a statement, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The suit, filed on Monday, is requesting that Kush Club 20 pay $20,000 for every day it operated without a license. Altogether, the penalties could total $7.5 million.

Earlier this month, Los Angeles police shut off power and water to a dozen weed growing facilities they claimed didn’t have licenses. Governor Newsom has also rolled out the state’s National Guard to raid black marketeers.

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