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In the latest ugly chapter of Republicans’ quest to undermine democracy, GOP members are berating their Democratic counterparts for planning to hold a vote on cannabis legalization next month.

At the heart of the issue is the upcoming House of Representatives floor vote on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act, a sweeping reform bill that would federally legalize marijuana — which a majority of Republican voters support, mind you. 

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced last week that MORE will finally be voted on in December, following a postponement last September in order for Democrats to focus on unseating Trump. Dems were successful, but now most Republicans will not acknowledge the feat.

The drama surrounding the MORE vote arrived by way of a blog post on the official House Republicans site, the title of which says it all: “Democrats Prioritize Legalizing Marijuana Instead Of Providing COVID Relief For The American People.”

“Democrats previously intended to vote on this bill in September,” the post states, “but pulled the legislation from the floor because they did not want to have to answer questions at home – before an election – about why they were spending their time on something like this instead of making a bipartisan deal to provide critical COVID relief.”

Of course, the opposite is true. Democrats in Congress were furiously trying to finish negotiations on a COVID relief bill last month, when the Republican-led Senate suddenly adjourned on October 27, intentionally shutting down the possibility of a deal being reached prior to the election.

That baseless accusation is followed, naturally, by outright lies. “It’s no surprise that the American people rejected House Democrats’ leadership on Election Day because it’s clear that they are more focused on catering to their radical base than actually taking steps to address the challenges that their constituents are facing. The fact that they plan to vote on legalizing marijuana instead of making a deal on COVID relief is just the latest example of that.”

Excuse us — “The American people rejected House Democrats’ leadership on Election Day?” The Democrats, who already controlled the House, beat Republicans 219-203.

Constantly reading about outlandish Republican undertakings like this one can be terribly disheartening. But just remember, weed and psychedelics won big at the ballot two weeks ago. And, yes, even outgoing President Dump has acknowledged that Joe Biden is the president-elect. Goddam! We need to get high now.