Originally outlawed in 1937, hemp is now making its comeback alongside the wave of marijuana campaigns. Hemp has become the leading cannabis product with legal status in 10 states, including California. The plant, which stems from cannabis and contains a nearly imperceptible amount of THC, is an industrial plant used in a variety of ways, including textiles, rope, paper and insulation.
Though hemp is legal in several states, it still remains heavily regulated. Hemp must contain less than 0.3% of THC in order to be used commercially. Additionally, industrial hemp growing sites must be registered and are subject to sampling for THC content. “National legislation is in the works in an attempt to exclude industrial hemp from marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. The Drug Enforcement Agency still enforces federal law on Schedule 1 drug imports, which classifies hemp among heroin, LSD, MDMA and marijuana.” If hemp does become more readily available, it has the potential to grow the U.S. market in various sectors such as clothing, textiles and paper products.