It looks like the tides have turned and Green Party candidate Jill Stein's rise in recent days has propelled voters to start taking notice of her presidential campaign during the DNC. During the third day of the DNC Steins stock has risen and supporters believe she is a far better fit than Donald Trump and even Bernie Sanders for that matter. While Sanders supporters in recent days have been dismayed about his support for Hillary Clinton they are now turning to Stein who has quietly led her campaign up to the DNC.
MERRY JANE took the time to speak to Stein today and wanted to give you reasons why she is receiving support now:
Stein refuses to take part in the corrupt two-party system and has been vocal about Sanders dropping out of the race and endorsing Clinton.
Stein is targeting liberals in swing states like Ohio and Florida which could disrupt Clinton and Trumps futures as president.
Her disdain for Clinton and Trump is gaining support. She says that Trump is dangerous, but argues Clinton’s career is also “horrific.”
She has called for 100% renewable energy by 2030, cutting military by 50%, free college tuition, Medicare for all and ending combat against ISIS.
Her support has risen in recent days as she has connected with Sanders supporters. The next few days can also propel her support even more so stay tuned with MERRY JANE’s coverage of the DNC.