Colorado has just set a monumental new record. For the first time, the state has generated more tax revenue from marijuana than from alcohol. Colorado reportedly raised around $70 million from marijuana in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. For that same fiscal year, Colorado raised less than $42 million from alcohol. These statistics speak volumes as to where marijuana legalization is headed. Not only has cannabis legalization proved it possible to create revenue, but it also seems to be rivaling, and even defeating alcohol as an entity both socially and economically.
Alcohol is notorious for being more dangerous than most other substances. Alcohol has been known to cause anger and aggression in some, and it temporarily debilitates full functionality of the brain when used in excess. However, for now, the government has refused to take action to acknowledge these potentially dangerous effects, largely because of the immense revenue that alcohol creates. But now, people are slowly starting to realize that marijuana could triumph alcohol in a multitude of ways.
Like Colorado, Arizona is attempting to create the same amount of revenue for their state. There is a petition currently circling to regulate and tax marijuana for the state’s benefit. People do not need to use marijuana in order to support this campaign. Though this petition may be related to marijuana legalization, its entirety is really about supporting the state’s finding a safer and more reliable way to provide for its residents. With more state revenue comes more money to fund things like educational programs.