The God of Abraham has spoken. Orthodox rabbis have declared cannabis kosher for Passover by the Orthodox Union.
The public image of marijuana has slowly become more accepting of the drug, which has not only shown to be harmless, but can also have widespread medicinal value to treat many ailments. Acceptance has also come from the most unlikely of places. Many religions have also begun to adopt the plant for spiritual practice.
The Israel National News reports that Jewish leadership has softened its opinion on marijuana for medical or recreational use in recent years. Rabbi Kanievksy and Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein stated the plant has a “healing smell” and blessed the leaves.
According to Passover tradition, for eight-days, Jews avoid leavened bread or food made with wheat barley, rye, spelt, or oats in addition to foods called “kitniyot” in some case – which include rice, millet, corn, and legumes.
In 2013, two Israeli rabbis began to allow the use of marijuana. In January, the Orthodox Union certified medicinal marijuana as kosher. However, this week marked a change in doctrine, as Rabbi Kanievksy, one of the most prominent rabbis in Israel, endorsed the plant.
Kanievksy clarified Ashkenazi Jews are not permitted to consume cannabis, because they abstain from kitniyot during the Passover holiday. However, marijuana use is permitted for medicinal purposes even for Ashkenazis.
If some of the oldest religions in the world that once practically demonized the plant are coming out in support, it is only a matter of time before worldwide acceptance is upon us. These are very interesting times and it will not be long before we look back on pot prohibition and wonder why we ever let someone tell us it was wrong to consume cannabis.