We all know that lovely little feeling that smoking or consuming cannabis provides, but what about the potential effect that it has on our physical beauty? Well, according to a group of researchers from UK-based trend forecasting consulting firm the Future Laboratory, we should expect cannabis to be a highly regarded beauty product in the near future. Cannabis ended up making the top of their list for new beauty-based supplies that will be all the rage by the end of the year.
Although hemp seed oil has already established itself as a great skin care product, beauty product companies are increasingly looking at marijuana as a viable treatment for acne. As support for cannabis legalization continues to grow, the idea of using it as a primary beauty supply ingredient becomes more and more widely accepted by the day. It may seem like these beauty brands are jumping on the cannabis hype train as a marketing ploy, but the truth of the matter is that the beloved plant has many benefits it can provide.
Aside from skin care, cannabis is also starting to be utilized in fragrances, such as Florabotanica by Balenciaga and Cannabis Santal by Fresh. There is even an increasing number of massage parlors that have incorporated cannabis-infused body treatment creams, as both tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) contain pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
Although cannabis may seem like an unlikely candidate for the top beauty product ingredient, the rest of the list sounds even stranger. The Future Laboratory also listed tallow, which is a form of fat derived from buffalo meat, yams, and jellyfish venom as other ingredients that are making headway in the beauty supply industry. As cannabis legalization slowly spreads, and the stigma behind it continues to dissipate, more research will be allowed to focus the vast and wondrous properties of cannabis. Personally, I suspect that we will find even more amazing reasons to utilize marijuana as a skin care product, a perfume, or a relaxing massage cream.
“Growing support for marijuana legalisation and an increased awareness of the potential benefits of cannabis are the driving forces behind this ingredient,” says Victoria Buchanan, trend analyst at the Future Laboratory.
At the end of the day, the prospect of having the beauty industry melding with marijuana is something to be excited about. And wouldn’t you rather rub a cannabis-infused cream into your skin than buffalo fat or jellyfish venom?