As the presidential race heats up, Donald Trump has been trying to rally black voters to punch him into the White House come Election Day. However, much of the African-American community and countless other minorities have denounced the farce of a campaign that Trump is running. In spite of that, the GOP nominee has gained a few supporters from the black community. Namely, Ben Carson and Omorosa of “The Apprentice” fame.
The latest to endorse Trump is former boxing promoter Don King. To say that King is outspoken would be putting it lightly. King introduced Trump yesterday in Ohio and dropped the N-word in the midst of his bizarre speech, much to the amusement of the predominantly white crowd behind him. Many people had something to say about King’s endorsement, but none harsher than T.I. In an Instagram post, the rapper had some rather choice words for King. “And when you're a spineless soul-selling COON…. You're a spineless soul-selling COON-NEGRO!!!! U old Steven Off Django, Uncle Ruckus in real life, Hate-the-skin-U-In,Poor excuse for a Black Man, Willie Lynch endorsing ass COON,” he said.
Needless to say, a lot of people hate Don King right now. But what else is new? Watch the full speech here if you dare.