Researchers at Arizona State University are hoping to make it a bit easier for you to stay high and responsible. An app is currently being developed to allow drivers to test how high they are before getting behind the wheel. The app, though still in the works, should be able to be downloaded to most smartphones or tablets and use the smart device's camera to measure saccades (tiny movements) of the user's eyes. Mirroring a field soriety test, the app would likely also become a police tool as more states begin to legalize. Like a breathalyzer for alcohol, the app could eventually become a vital tool for both users and law enforcement.
Though research has shown that driving under the influence of cannabis is not nearly as lethal or dangerous as driving drunk, plenty of statistics point to a need for such a tool. "In 2013, nearly 10 million Americans age 12 and older said they had driven under the influence of illegal drugs and marijuana was found to be the second-most-common substance associated with impaired driving after alcohol. By some estimates, some 4 percent to 14 percent of car accidents in the U.S. that resulted in injury or death involved drivers who tested positive for marijuana.”