The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is taking an unorthodox approach in an effort to stop possible accidents caused by high drivers behind the wheel this 4/20. Throughout the days surrounding April 20th, CDOT will be enacting the "2015 Drive High, Get a DUI" campaign, which will include such tactics as The Smoking Car, a vehicle cruising the city with smoke pouring out the windows–seriously hot boxed–revealing neon lights that read, "Drive High, Get a DUI".
During Cannabis Cup there will be a CDOT booth featuring activities to do while high that do not involve driving. They will also have classic arcade games set up at various dispensaries equipped with PSAs on driving high being illegal. To give users an alternative to driving, Yellow Cab Ztrip has teamed up with the CDOT to offer Ztrip credit to winners of a Cannabis Quiz given to those who use the van service at Cannabis Cup. These creative approaches to bringing awareness of Drive High, Get a DUI are nontraditional, but definitely get the message across effectively, and through a variety of platforms.