Having a hearty, healthy breakfast is an important way to start every day. Unfortunately, a lot of people end up eating sugar filled cereals, and fatty, high cholesterol meals. Since breakfast is famed as being the most important meal of the day, it’s a good idea to make sure it’s healthy and gives you the energy you will need throughout the morning.
An excellent way to get what you need is to eat a light, but filling meal that’s packed with nutrients.
Some of the important ingredients a healthy breakfast requires are energy, or calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Including hemp in your breakfast is a great way to include some of the major nutrients your body needs to wake up and get going.
Hemp is an amazing protein source, and is especially important for vegans and vegetarians. It contains all 20 amino acids and each of the 9 essential amino acids that we must get through diet. It has high mineral values for zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, and other minerals. It is a plentiful source of vitamins; A, B, D, and E. It is also a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and has a closely balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids ratio.
Here are some delicious recipes to help you include hemp into your diet:
Hemp Milk
An easy and quick recipe which makes a versatile milk.
- ½ cup Hemp Seeds
- 3 cups Water
- 1½ tbsp Agave
- 1 pinch Salt
- 1 tbsp Ground Flaxseed (optional)
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. You can then strain the milk through a cheesecloth for best results. For vanilla, or sweeter milk, add an extra tablespoon of sweetener and 1 tsp of vanilla.
Hemp milk can be used in any recipe that calls for milk and can also be used in tea or coffee. It’s nutty flavor is delicious in desserts.
Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days and shake well before using.
Hemp and Fruit Smoothie
A wonderful way to include a variety of healthy fruits in your breakfast.
- 1 cup Hemp Milk
- 1 cup Strawberries
- ½ Banana
- ½ cup of Berries
- 1 cup Spinach
- 3 tbsp Hemp Seeds
- 1 tbsp Flaxseeds
- 1 tbsp Ground Chia Seeds (optional)
Place ingredients in the blender and mix until blended thoroughly.
Buying frozen fruit is a cost effective means to have a lot of fruit on hand without worrying about it going bad. You can also use different fruit for added variety.
Sweet Hemp Creamy Wheat
This recipe is for those who prefer a heartier breakfast.
- 2 cups Hemp Milk
- ½ cup Creamy Wheat
- Pinch of Salt
- ½ tsp Agave
- 1 tbsp Hemp Seeds
Bring hemp milk to a boil and add salt. Remove from heat and add creamy wheat slowly, stirring well. Place back on stove with low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Serve with hemp seeds, agave, and fresh fruit. For a gluten-free recipe, use 1 cup oatmeal instead of creamy wheat.
With these recipes it should be easy to incorporate hemp into your diet. Adjusting quantities and types of fruit will ensure you are getting a wider variety of nutrients your body needs every day.
Photos by Amber Finnegan.