All photos by Molly Adams
We're one month in to California's newly-minted legal cannabis market, and hell hasn't broke loose yet. There's plenty of burning going on throughout the Golden State, though. While it's clear everyone is excited about this new era of greenery in the best coast — just ask the dispensaries that are already experiencing product shortages — we haven't heard much from a vital group within California's diverse and massive population: the stars.
Sure, we know marijuana maestros like Cheech Marin are stoked about the evolving landscape of the "Devil's Lettuce," but what about other celebs who are down with the dank? Well, it turns out that A-listers like Jack Nicholson and Dolly Parton are hesitant to speak on record about legal weed in its salad days. So we had to pivot a bit, and guess who we talked to instead? "Jack Nicholson" and "Dolly Parton"!
Yep, MERRY JANE assigned photographer Molly Adams to track down LA's top celebrity impersonators to get their take on recreational reefer. First off, we're obligated to state that their opinions do not — in any way — reflect the views of the icons they look identical to. That said, with the legal market hoping to establishing itself as tourist-friendly, it only makes sense that we sourced the thoughts of the boardwalk arbiters who will be entertaining such out-of-towners after they get blazed out of their minds.
On top of "Jack Nicholson" and "Dolly-D," we got up with "Jack Sparrow," a reincarnated "Michael Jackson," and even MERRY JANE's doggfather "Snoop Dogg." While they all supported the Golden State's choice to go green, multiple lookalikes stated that they want canna-enthusiasts to quit blowing smoke into their masks — it fucks them up! And one superhero who wished to remain unnamed told us that "the government legalized marijuana to control people." Hell, they even told us what they'd name a new strain if given the chance. We're counting the days until we can taste Dolly's "Double-D's."
All interviews have been edited for length and clarity.
The views of these lookalikes do not in any way reflect the opinions of the real people they are impersonating…
"Dolly Parton" In-Character Interview
MERRY JANE: What do you think about California legalizing recreational cannabis?
"Dolly Parton": I think it's great. I have never smoked cigarettes in my life but I'll be honest with you: I have smoked pot. I don't want to take a pill to go to sleep, but I will smoke a joint and relax and wake up unaffected.
Do you think cannabis should be legalized nationwide?
Yes, definitely.
Should marijuana be considered a hard drug, like how the federal government views it?
No, never. It's a natural plant that grows in the ground like an herb. It's like oregano so hello! It should be a natural herb that's medicinal – it's not concocted from a bunch of chemicals that screw people up and have side effects.
What do you think about your goddaughter Miley Cyrus using cannabis?
I don't mind that she uses it. The chemical and synthetic drugs that are manufactured by these chemical companies? I'm sorry but they have side effects. The natural herb that grows in the ground is more suited for human benefits.
How do you think your friend Willie Nelson feels about legalization spreading?
Willie doesn't care at this point because he's smoked his entire life anyway and he'll continue to smoke – that's why he's still alive and going strong at his age. God bless you, Willie.
If you could name a strain of weed, what would you call it?
"The Double-Ds." I wrote a rap song called "the Double Ds" after I did Jay Leno with [the real Dolly Parton]. Here are the lyrics:
"Hi I'm Dolly a Dolly Double
I guess that stands for Double D
I'm just a lookalike impersonating Dolly P
But it's gotten me attention
And a lot of hugs
Hey, I can start my own duo and call myself The Jugs
Dolly's done a lot of duos
But it would take the cake
If she would do a rap song
With a Dolly Parton fake
So Miss Dolly P now that we have gotten your attention
There's just one more thing that I would like to mention
In our eyes and in the world you'll always be a legend"
That's my rap song about Dolly because she's nice enough to not scream and yell and kick everyone out of the shows we're doing. She doesn't send cease and desist letters or attorneys who threaten to sue us.
For more on "Dolly Parton," visit the lookalike's website here
"Jack Sparrow" In-Character Interview
MERRY JANE: What do you think about California legalizing marijuana?
"Jack Sparrow": What's marijuana and where's California?
Do you smoke anything while you're at sea?
Well, you can't because you've got all that black powder everywhere. You light one thing up and away your ship goes…
Have you ever blown anything up?
Yeah, we blow things up all the time.
Do you think blowing things up should be legal?
In my radical world, we just blow things up as if it were something that should have already been happening, as it were.
"Jack Nicholson" In-Character Interview
MERRY JANE: What do you think about California legalizing marijuana?
"Jack Nicholson": I love it. It's about time, actually. I just hope the feds stay off our asses.
Do you think cannabis should be legalized on the federal level?
Absolutely, are you kidding? It would be a much nicer world don't you think? A more friendly world and a lot more loose. I dont think it's a gateway into the white stuff, are you kidding me? Forget it, nah. It's not a gateway drug; it's a get-to-know-you kind of drug. On that note, is it a misnomer to call it a drug? I don't look at it as a drug. I look at it as a cocktail. It's just a cocktail — I wouldn't call it a drug.
Have you been into a recreational shop yet?
Well, right now they're probably packed out with lines around the block like four or five times over. Eventually, the pendulum will swing and it'll get back to normalcy. I might try and visit then. But I haven't been to one yet.
If you could name a strain of cannabis, what would it be?
"Jack's Blast."
For more on "Jack Nicholson," visit the lookalike's website here
"Michael Jackson" In-Character Interview
MERRY JANE: What do you think about California legalizing adult-use cannabis?
"Michael Jackson": I don't know. I feel it's good. It's okay. I don't know – I don't smoke, but it's OK.
Do you think it'll help the nation and make people dance more?
Yeah, of course.
Anything to say to the fans?
[singing] Oooooo eee eee, I love you girl.
"Snoop Dogg" In-Character Interview
MERRY JANE: What do you think about California legalizing adult-use cannabis?
"Snoop Dogg": From my point, I think that everybody should be able to indulge in something that's not gonna hurt them or anyone else. I think it's cool. It helps out a lot of people in some situations, like people that have epilepsy or seizures. I watched some videos where cats just come out of [their illness] like that after smoking a bowl. They were straight, so I'm cool with legalization throughout the U.S. and California in general. As far as smoking weed, ya know it's all good…
Have you been to a recreational shop?
Not yet. It's kind of hard to find them in this area where I'm at. I just don't go out much. If I need anything, they bring it so I'm cool with that. It's just like a Marijuana Uber.
Do you think cannabis should be legalized nationwide?
I think it should be legalized nationwide up to a certain extent. You know, in a way, some people indulge just for recreation to be cool about it. Some people just want to take it to the next step, adding extra stuff here and there. That said, I don't see any problems with it being legalized throughout the U.S. it doesn't hurt anybody.
What do you think about mass incarceration in relation to the War on Drugs?
I think it's crazy man – you know what I'm saying? So now after this is all said and done and everything has been legalized, you know there are a lot of states that are going back to turn things around to overturn marijuana convictions. Honestly, why should you be locked up now, you know? Cocaine and ecstasy and all that other stuff? That's a different ride, you know what I'm saying. Marijuana – that's a chill type you can't go wrong with. It kind of makes you smarter a little bit, too.
What do you like to do while you legally light up?
My favorite pastime is to play videogames and blaze it up.
If you could name a strain of cannabis, what would you call it?
For more on "Snoop Dogg," visit the lookalike's website here
For more of Molly Adams' photo work, visit her website here and follow her on Instagram