This 4/20, don’t just smoke behind closed doors—use this highest of holidays to speak up and take action for the culture and plant that affects you and so many people across the world.
While the reasons for marijuana legalization may be obvious to us, not everyone (ahem, the Trump Administration) believes that cannabis should be available to the public. If you don’t believe us, just listen to Attorney General Jeff Sessions discuss his views on marijuana.
Pot users and businesses are at risk under our new president, and only saying that we want marijuana legalized isn’t enough. We need to share our stories—share why the plant and the culture are so important to us, regardless if it's for recreational or medical reasons.
MERRY JANE News ventured out and asked New Yorkers their thoughts behind wanting marijuana legalization, as you will see in the video above. But New York is just one piece of the puzzle, and we need to hear your voice next.
Does weed help with symptoms from a disease? Does smoking marijuana help you feel comfortable and more like yourself? Is it just fun? Tell us. We’re inviting you to join our movement by sharing your story on social media by using the hashtag “#WEEDTHEPEOPLE” and as a thank you, you’ll be in the running to win some dope prizes.
So instead of just lighting up, let’s spark some change too. This 4/20, #WeedThePeople!