While visiting Denver, MERRY JANE headed to the high-traffic 16th Street Mall to chat with budtenders at Euflora Cannabis Dispensary. The pot shop’s downtown location has quickly made it a tourist destination, just a hop, skip, and a jump from Denver’s Convention Center and Union Station.
Photos: Audrey Dempsey/MERRY JANE
On this particular day we chatted with Kiefer, a native Coloradoan who grew up in Bailey, a small town roughly an hour away from Denver.
MERRY JANE: Tell us about the first time you got high.
Kiefer: First time I got high, it was a terrible experience. I was with one of my buddies out in the woods and we did the old Pepsi can with a hole in it. It was a terrible and it tasted like shit.
MJ: What are you smoking on these days? Describe your standard sesh.
K: Right now Agent Orange is one of my personal favorites along with Flo. Flo is a really sweet almost like candy. A lot of newbies like that because it is so sweet. As far as consuming, I prefer a snap load half a bong all to myself. I don't really like to share.
MJ: How did you end up working in the cannabis industry?
K: What can I say, I'm a product of my environment! To legally work in the Colorado cannabis industry you have to get your badge first, so I went ahead and got that and just started applying.The thing I like most about working as a budtender is interacting with so many interesting people from around the world. Their unique and personal stories are pretty cool.
MJ: What's your most memorable patient experience?
K: There was a gentleman that came in to see us when he was losing his battle with cancer and he started experimenting with cookies and started putting on weight with just one cookie. It cured his nausea and he got his appetite back. We saw him for 8-10 months and he has since won his battle with cancer!
If you’re 21+ and a cannabis connoisseur stop by Euflora Cannabis Dispensary next time you’re in downtown Denver.
401 16th Street
Denver, CO 80202