You've made it to April, stoned gamers. Congratulations, you've been awarded something rather incredible. The Stoned Gamer and MERRY JANE have teamed up to deliver yet another strong offering to all of you stoned gamers with 'INDIE GAME MIX TORRENT – Volume 3'.
I've been inside your head while you're under the influence of marijuana, and it's a wildly interesting place. Tons of childhood stuff you're overcoming, but overall there's a lot of creativity in there. That's why I've hand-picked these six indie game offerings from developers across the world and placed them all in this fantastic and free torrent. It's designed for the stoned gamer in mind, the best present anyone can get in fact.
Here's a brief rundown of the games that are included in INDIE GAME MIX TORRENT – Volume 3, presented by The Stoned Gamer and MERRY JANE.
You've had too many drinks and suddenly you find yourself in bed next to someone you don't really remember. I wish I can say it's a familiar place for many out there, but unfortunately not many of you have been successful in the drunk one night stand department — myself included. One Night Stand was designed by Germany's Lucy Bundell, so it's pretty interesting to see the status of not remembering having sex with someone from a female perspective. We suggest smoking an inhumane amount of weed the night before, and then waking up bright and early the next morning to play One Night Stand.
Ah, the point and click adventures from old-school PC gaming are still something that holds an enormous place in my heart. The sheer options available used to be almost overwhelming back in the day. With Infested, players are thrown into a retro sci-fi future and must navigate their way out of a spaceship that is filled with some unseen infection that turns humans into zombie-like creatures. That's always the case, better use protection next time. Play Infested only after you've disinfected the mouthpiece of your bong, or else you're going to be paranoid to no end.
Riding in a post-apocalyptic landscape armed with your gundillac and only the power of black metal can save humanity. Sounds like an episode of Metalocalypse (and it probably is), but French developer David Elahee doesn't care. He just wants to make a game where you can kill zombies while rocking out with your friends, and Double Kick Heroes is just that game. We suggest playing after taking a fresh dab of the greatest sativa you can possibly find, XJ-13 if you can get it.
Whatever you have accomplished today, keep in mind that a 16-year-old from Croatia made this game, and it's probably better than anything you will ever create, ever—even if you have kids. Giants of Destruction is better than your unborn kids. That's just a fact, stoned gamers. The sooner you'll be able to accept this, the sooner you'll be able to move on with your life. The developer, who goes simply by Shadow2212, has been working solo on this game for five months developing it with the Unreal Engine. It's a high-speed combat racing game, and if you are going to play it (which you are) the more stoned you are, the more difficult it will be. Have a Cavi Cone for this one, stoned gamers.
In 1995, Ocean Software released Jelly Boy on Super Nintendo, but only in Europe since they felt it wouldn't appeal to an American audience. The original game was like any other standard side-scrolling platformer at the time—you played the role of a jelly baby and your task was to find items that can morph you into various things. Now, 21 years later, someone reimagined this game in 3D — and no one really knows why. We suggest a heavy indica before diving into the world of Jelly Boy 3D, because it's a weird one.
You find yourself inside the Land of Spring Winds as a bunny that's forced to deliver colorful eggs to certain locations using a hot air balloon. Fail and you die—well you don't die, but your hot air balloon can be stranded on the ground. However, what you don't know about the Land of Spring Winds is all bunnies that have downed hot air balloons get executed at the end of the day. Things just got real, now don't mess up.
Download the INDIE GAME MIX TORRENT – Volume 3 right here. The torrent can also be found on The Pirate Bay, just search for it there. Always, stoned gamers, don't forget to seed.