Steve DeAngelo is a cannabis activist with quite the impressive resume. Working actively as a activist for the cause for over 40 years, he is also the founder of the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world, Harborside Health Center and the star of The Discovery Channel's Weed Wars.
It only makes sense now that his latest venture is into literature with his newly published book, The Cannabis Manifesto. DeAngelo has put his extensive knowledge of all things cannabis into writing, including research about the facts behind the plant's effects, how to incorporate cannabis into an everyday lifestyle and more. Overall, his book aims to illuminate the truth behind cannabis and outside of the often negative stereotypes and propaganda that have existed for so long.
"20 years had passed since the last book which seriously examined the role of cannabis in our society and the way we use it, and where we want to go with it, which was The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer," DeAngelo said when asked why he decided to pursue creating and publishing The Cannabis Manifesto. "In that time there has been a huge amount of scientific discovery, political advances, and new history that’s been written. I felt that we really needed an updating, that we needed a new, foundational document for our movement."
Interested in reading and purchasing The Cannabis Manifesto? Find more information, including where to purchase and other bonuses you can receive, here.