Find one of 5 Golden Tickets in any Leafs By Snoop chocolate bar, and you'll win 2 tickets to see Snoop and friends at the MERRY JANE Wellness Retreat in Denver!

The 5 Golden Tickets have been hidden in Leafs By Snoop chocolate bars carried at select dispensaries in Colorado, and each winner will receive 2 VIP tickets to the MERRY JANE Wellness Retreat at Red Rocks in Morrison, CO, on April, 23th 2017.

These tickets could be in any Leafs By Snoop chocolate bar in any participating dispensary in the state of Colorado, and if you are one of the lucky winners, there will be directions on the Golden Ticket on how to redeem.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Contest is valid from March 27, 2017 through April 22, 2017. Tickets must be found prior to 4/22 to qualify. Any Golden Tickets found after 4/22 can be redeemed for a free Leafs By Snoop item identified by the retail location.

Each Golden Ticket entitles the bearer to 2 general admission or 2 VIP passes to the 4th Annual MERRY JANE Wellness Retreat on April 23, 2017 at Red Rocks Amphitheater.

The Golden Tickets could be in any of the 6 flavors of chocolate bars, including:


Milk Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate with Almonds


Peaches n Cream

Strawberry n Cream with Waffle Bits

Blueberries n Cream

Golden Ticket holders must email to claim their passes before 4/22. Please contact with any questions.