If you spent any of your time in the late 1990’s sitting in front of a TV, then you probably remember Rachael Lee Cook smashing an egg with a frying pan as a metaphor for “your brain on drugs.”
It’s been 20 years since the She’s All That star wrecked that prop kitchen to show you how heroin could ruin a young life, but as a new opioid epidemic rages across the country, the actress is back on the PSA bandwagon – with a slight change of tone. This time Cook is here to warn about how the war on drugs unfairly affects the lives of black and brown Americans.
The new PSA is a collaborative effort from the Drug Policy Alliance and creative firm Green Point Creative that hopes to shed some light on the racist realities of America’s war on drugs.
The ad was strategically released on 4/20, so while you were no doubt enjoying a hazy celebration on Thursday, hopefully Cooks video, and a number of other legalization efforts – including Merry Jane’s own, will remind you that there’s always more work to be done in the fight to end mass incarceration and stop the failing war on drugs.