Following the positive reception of last year’s thriller The Visit, (albeit following a decade long stretch of disappointing films following The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs and The Village) director M. Night Shyamalan is back with another feature, Split.
In true Shyamalan fashion, who makes sport of messing with your mind and expectations, this one looks as creepy as any film he’s previously directed. The story centers around Kevin, a man with a split personality disorder (James McAvoy,) who is compelled to kidnap and sequester three teenage girls (led by Anya Taylor-Joy) by one of his 23 personalities.
As the girls try to plot an escape, Kevin attempts to contain his most dominant and horrifying personality under wraps. The trailer gives us a preview of some of these personalities, and hints at the possibility that the power of the mind could allow for a physical manifestation of a personality beneath the surface, as long as it is domineering enough. After all, we do know how much Shyamalan loves a twist.
Very spooky stuff. Hold onto your socks and watch the trailer here. Split opens on January 20th.