Let’s be honest, skateboarding—like many sub-cultures and facets of our patriarchal society—is a typically predominantly male-driven industry with room for coverage of females on the board. So when ladies like Lacey Baker work their way onto the Thrasher via a brand-new edit, you know it’s got to be something astonishing.
In addition, given the very misogynistic implications of America’s new presidency (and the very feminist response), it also seems like Baker’s new part, appropriately titled “My World”, couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time.
Given these high-pressured times it’s difficult not to appropriate the 26 year-old California native’s riding onto a political pedestal, but really, Baker’s style and finesse on the board is just a treat to watch. If we had to stylistically compare her to the greats, we’d say she’ could easily be Elissa Steamer and the late Dylan Rieder’s love child. Baker’s physical abilities, and obvious artistic, fashion, and musical sensibilities, converge to create an ethereal and poetic edit that captures her putting in work to pull off some very technical wizardry—We’re talking ledge trick, to nose manual, to flip out, kind of sorcery!
Properly scored by Blood Orange’s “Bad Girls” and filmed and edited by Tyler Smolinski, “My World” is a salute to very precision-based skateboarding on recognizable East and West Coast terrain. You’d be a serious meathead to not watch it and give props.
Watch “My World” here.