In our comic strip Frisbee F.D., we follow the escapades of a weed-loving firedog who works in a town that hasn’t seen smoke rise from anything but a blunt in over 300 years. Regardless, our protagonist has dedicated his life to getting high and protecting his community — in that order!
In this week’s installment, it’s trimmin’ season! Frisbee and his cat Fribsy break out the scissors, scalpels, and go in on their freshly-harvested nug. “Do you know why we trim?” Frisbee asks. “A raw nug yearns to reach its full unbridled potential!”
Then, as per usual, Frisbee goes on a rant about what makes trimming so vital for a dank-ass smoke sesh. His reasoning? Well, dig into the comic below and find out!
And for more on Frisbee F.D. — created by the inimitable Brian Blomerth and Kate Levitt — don’t forget to revisit the previous installment here.
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