Brian Blomerth is a talented illustrator whose comics often involve dog-people losing their shit in surreal neo-cities populated by other psychopathic dog-people. His work has appeared in VICE, Sex Magazine, and a variety of zines. Blomerth’s last serialized comic, Alphabet Junction, followed the story of two tenured dog-professors who like to huff gas and fuck with their dog-cop nemesis.
In a new bi-weekly column for MERRY JANE, the artist has created a new series, titled Frisbee F.D., that he co-wrote with Brooklyn-based musician Kate Levitt. It follows a firedog as he attempts to rid the world of all smoke, besides what’s sucked down his lungs. His performance as a fireman is aided by his love of weed, despite the fact that the town he serves (Lemonwedge, ME) hasn't had a fire since 1722.
Read the first installment of the comic below, and visit Blomerth’s website here to see more of his illustrated psychedelic freakouts.
Visit Brian Blomerth's website here to see more of his work.