Just when you thought you might have been free from Ted Cruz, the once hopeful Republican nominee is back on Capitol Hill.
On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the comedian ripped Cruz for his horrible “d-baggery” parking abilities, which was shown in a photo taken by Colbert’s high school classmate and old friend, Washington DC photojournalist Bill Clark.
Colbert then took a left turn and began reminiscing on the first time he and Clark “did something that is now legal in Colorado.”
Colbert went on to detail the first time he smoked marijuana, which happened with Clark and another friend before their homecoming dance. Not being the most social kids, and showing up without dates, Colbert and his friends decided to try and smoke some of Clark’s weed.
But the high school students didn’t have a paper to wrap up their green in, so Colbert went on to explain how they used the comic section from the Sunday paper to roll one up and smoke. “I think that might be why I’m a comedian,” Colbert joked on the show.