A policy reform group called Drug Policy Alliance is taking the media by the storm with reimagined stock photos of the new marijuana users. The photos will remind you of models you see in stock photos in picture frames — except in these shots, they are all enjoying their ganja. In effort to break the 'stoner' stereotype, DPA has enlisted a group of surprising models that range from young to old and include people of all different backgrounds and genders. On their site, the advocacy group states, “Media outlets continue to use stereotypical 'stoner' images for otherwise serious news stories about marijuana. The Drug Policy Alliance is offering an alternative: stock photos of real, everyday people who use marijuana.” At first glance, the stock images are read like any other – staged and potentially silly. But the point being that the images are relatable and more realistic than the outdated, burnt-out stereotypes of cannabis users. This is definitely a step in the right direction towards a cultural paradigm shift regarding the typical cannabis user in society.
See more of the photos here.
Photograph: Darrin Harris Frisby / Drug Policy Alliance